I am working on a book by the same name as this site. As the author of several books already I thought this one would be easy but it's taking some time, because I am not the only author (working with my higher power). It is meant to be a guide to discovery or development of your spiritual gifts and how to practically apply them in your life as a modern householder woman. I hope it libertes many women and heals the world. While you are waiting for it to come out, feel free to write to me and share your experiences, questions, hopes, etc. If you would like to help in some way, please pray for me as I write it that I will be inspired and guided!
If you'd like to be alerted when it comes out or when there are other updates about CCSW stuff, you can opt-in to my newsletter here. You will not get much mail from me, so make sure you find the first one confirming your registration and pull it out of your spam or wherever it lands. Then hopefully you'll get the important ones.